Kamov designs
KaSkr-I Gyrocraft
25 September 1929: The first Soviet autogyro, designed by Kamov and Skrzhinskii. Based on Cierva models. Please review and edit information on this topic and it's sub-topics by an expert or better informed person.
Kamov A-7 1934
An autogyro primarily used for observation duties.
Ka-8 Irkutyanin 1947
single seat helicopter
Ka-10 Hat 1950
single-seat observation helicopter
small single-seat helicopter
multi-purpose nine-seat helicopter
light multipurpose helicopter
Ka-15 Hen 1952
two-seat utility helicopter
Ka-18 Hog 1955
A Ka-15 with a large fuselage and a 280 hp Ivchenko AI-14VF engine. Could carry 4 passengers. 200 units built (approximately)
Ka-20 Harp 1958
twin-engine antisubmarine helicopter prototype
Ka-22 Vintokryl 1959
experimental rotor-winged transport aircraft

Ka-25 Hormone 1961
naval helicopter
Ka-26 Hoodlum 1965
light utility helicopter

Ka-27 Helix 1974
anti-submarine helicopter
export version of Ka-27
Ka-29 Helix B
airborne early warning helicopter (ASW & C)
Ka-27 IOC: 1981
Ka-29 IOC: 1985 Also Known As : Helix Helix B
Origin Russia
Contractor/s Kamov Kumertau Aviation
Production Enterprise Applications
Project 11661 Vikramaditya Vikrant
Family Members Ka-27
Guided Missiles: 9M114
Power plant: TV3-117 (2)
Ka-32 1974
anti-submarine helicopter
heavy rotary-wing aircraft
heavy jet-powered rotary-wing aircraft. It contains two four-blade rotors side-by-side on wings with turbojet engines for in-flight acceleration. Little is known of this aircraft, but photos of a model exist in several places.
Ka-37 1993
An unmanned coaxial helicopter developed with Daewoo of South Korea initially designed for agricultural tasks. Performances are a max weight of 250 kg ( 50 payload ), speed of 110 km/h, and a flight duration about 45 minutes.
Ka-40 1990s?
anti-submarine helicopter (Replacement for the Ka-27. In development)

Ka-50 "Hokum/Black Shark" 1982
single-seat attack helicopter

Ka-50 2 "Endorgan"

Ka-52 "Alligator" 1997
two seat attack helicopter and widely used model
Ka-118 1980s-1990s
A NOTAR development - light multirole helicopter
Ka-126 Hoodlum-B 1980s
light utility helicopter
light utility helicopter
Ka-60 Kasatka 1990s
Transport/utility helicopter
Ka-62 1990s
civilian transport and utility helicopter
Ka-64 Sky Horse 1990s
naval transport and utility helicopter
High-speed helicopter project.
passenger helicopter
Ka-137 1990s
Unmanned drone/unmanned multipurpose helicopter
Ka-115 Moskvichka 1990s
light multi-purpose helicopter
Ka-226 "Sergei" 1990s
small, twin-engined utility helicopter
A high-speed assault helicopter project with tandem rotors, with a projected speed of 400km/h. The project was abandoned in the late 1960s and two different models exist. Cancelled.
V-60 1980s
A light scout and escort helicopter
V-80 1970s
A series of design studies for an attack helicopter (culminating in the Ka-50)
A heavy attack helicopter project with a pusher: propeller to exceed the speed of 400 km/h. Not built.
Sumber : http://www.deagel.com/
KaSkr-I Gyrocraft
25 September 1929: The first Soviet autogyro, designed by Kamov and Skrzhinskii. Based on Cierva models. Please review and edit information on this topic and it's sub-topics by an expert or better informed person.
Kamov A-7 1934
An autogyro primarily used for observation duties.

single seat helicopter
Ka-10 Hat 1950
single-seat observation helicopter
small single-seat helicopter
multi-purpose nine-seat helicopter
light multipurpose helicopter
Ka-15 Hen 1952
two-seat utility helicopter
Ka-18 Hog 1955
A Ka-15 with a large fuselage and a 280 hp Ivchenko AI-14VF engine. Could carry 4 passengers. 200 units built (approximately)
Ka-20 Harp 1958
twin-engine antisubmarine helicopter prototype
Ka-22 Vintokryl 1959
experimental rotor-winged transport aircraft

naval helicopter
Ka-26 Hoodlum 1965
light utility helicopter

anti-submarine helicopter

export version of Ka-27

airborne early warning helicopter (ASW & C)
Ka-27 IOC: 1981
Ka-29 IOC: 1985 Also Known As : Helix Helix B
Origin Russia
Contractor/s Kamov Kumertau Aviation
Production Enterprise Applications
Project 11661 Vikramaditya Vikrant
Family Members Ka-27
Guided Missiles: 9M114
Power plant: TV3-117 (2)
Ka-32 1974
anti-submarine helicopter
heavy rotary-wing aircraft
heavy jet-powered rotary-wing aircraft. It contains two four-blade rotors side-by-side on wings with turbojet engines for in-flight acceleration. Little is known of this aircraft, but photos of a model exist in several places.
Ka-37 1993
An unmanned coaxial helicopter developed with Daewoo of South Korea initially designed for agricultural tasks. Performances are a max weight of 250 kg ( 50 payload ), speed of 110 km/h, and a flight duration about 45 minutes.
Ka-40 1990s?
anti-submarine helicopter (Replacement for the Ka-27. In development)

single-seat attack helicopter

Ka-50 2 "Endorgan"

two seat attack helicopter and widely used model
Ka-118 1980s-1990s
A NOTAR development - light multirole helicopter
Ka-126 Hoodlum-B 1980s
light utility helicopter
light utility helicopter

Transport/utility helicopter
Ka-62 1990s
civilian transport and utility helicopter
Ka-64 Sky Horse 1990s
naval transport and utility helicopter
High-speed helicopter project.
passenger helicopter
Ka-137 1990s
Unmanned drone/unmanned multipurpose helicopter
Ka-115 Moskvichka 1990s
light multi-purpose helicopter
Ka-226 "Sergei" 1990s
small, twin-engined utility helicopter
Drawing of an earlier model of the Kamov V-50
Drawing of the Kamov V-50 model
V-50 1960sA high-speed assault helicopter project with tandem rotors, with a projected speed of 400km/h. The project was abandoned in the late 1960s and two different models exist. Cancelled.
V-60 1980s
A light scout and escort helicopter
V-80 1970s
A series of design studies for an attack helicopter (culminating in the Ka-50)

A heavy attack helicopter project with a pusher: propeller to exceed the speed of 400 km/h. Not built.
Sumber : http://www.deagel.com/